The area of Palakkad really coming under the sense of a mission area. Taking this into account we also engage in mission work in Palakkad. In our mission work we radiate the Eucharistic love among the people which is the manifestation of our Eucharistic life. In Palakkad we mainly concentrated Attappady area because the people where mainly tribals and adivasies. The missionary activities we are during among them are to proclaim the good news and make the Eucharistic Lord known, loved and adored by all, always and everywhere. Our evangelization work is to build up communities that experience the living presence of the Eucharistic Lord. This we are doing by teaching catechism, leading the unbelievers to faith and help the faithful to deep their faith. By our sufficient involvement in different catholic organizations we help the youngsters to nurture their catholic life in to a fruitful and faithful one.