Nirmala Matha Matric Hr. Sec. School, Erode
Nirmala Matha Matric Hr. Sec. School is located at Moolakkarai in the city of Erode. The school is affiliated with the Director of School Education Department – Chennei. This school having been founded in the year 2000. The school is there for one of the most established institution of preference for education and personal and spiritual development for children in the city. The school started with 9 students from LKG, later it opened primary classes with registration between 2001- 2006 and then on 2007 stepped ahead on high school and named as Nirmalamatha Convent Matric Hr. Sec. School. At the year of 2014 the building construction for higher secondary was over and got recognition order for starting higher secondary. It is rated as one of the best quality education schools in Erode.
Formal Principals
Sr. Tessy Chamakkala (2000 to 2003)
Sr. Jaya Parekkattil (2003 to 2005)
Sr. Suna Madiyappilly (2005 to 2016)
Sr. Lisieux Maria (2016 onwards)